Except for Fox viewers, whose views diverge from the majority by a stunningly wide margin. They really are a stupid, ignorant, bigoted bunch of fools.

* 52% of Fox viewers believe Muslims want to establish Sharia law in the US, more than double the rate among normal people.
* 60% of Fox viewers believe Islam is not part of the American religious community, again, more than double the rate among normal people.
* A whopping 2/3 of Fox viewers believe Islam is at odds with American values. Apparently these imbeciles are unaware that Islam is based on the exactly the same moral foundations as Christianity and Judaism.
Numbers like this bring to mind the chicken/egg conundrum. Are they ignorant, stupid bigots because they watch Fox or do they watch Fox because they are ignorant, stupid bigots? Are all Fox viewers ignorant, stupid bigots? Of course not. Just most.
You can view the full results of the poll in PDF form...
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